Michael Bennett

Michael Bennett

Michael Bennett is a Super Bowl champion and three-time Pro Bowl defensive end, but his body of work transcends football. He is an activist, bestselling author and devoted husband and father. He weaves his passion for social justice and education into every aspect of his efforts to raise awareness about significant social issues.

He believes that public works of art and architecture have the potential to foster communion,  of one’s private emotions and ideas in a public setting. He is founder and creative director of Studio Kër, with a mission to create intentional objects that seek harmony between humans, nature, and the spaces they intersect. To foster genuine connection and enhance cross-cultural exchanges, we examine contemporary and historical approaches of the African diaspora, which challenge conventional Western perception. 

Michael is a member of Athletes for Impact, a staunch feminist and supporter of women’s rights, a humanitarian, and supports multiple organizations in Africa, including #iamtheCODE where he sponsors over 100 African girls in Senegal. Michael is an advocate for numerous causes and organizations across the globe, including an endowment for students from low-income homes at Rhode Island School of Design who were pursuing degrees in the creative arts, and grants to organizations like the Rebuild Foundation, Mass Design, and Humble by Design. The transition from athletics to the fields of design and architecture studies focused on the reclamation of public space through the study of spatial theory and architectural typologies. 


Michael Bennett

Michael Bennett

Michael Bennett is a Super Bowl champion and three-time Pro Bowl defensive end, but his body of work transcends football. He is an activist, bestselling author and devoted husband and father. He weaves his passion for social justice and education into every aspect of his efforts to raise awareness about significant social issues.

He believes that public works of art and architecture have the potential to foster communion,  of one’s private emotions and ideas in a public setting. He is founder and creative director of Studio Kër, with a mission to create intentional objects that seek harmony between humans, nature, and the spaces they intersect. To foster genuine connection and enhance cross-cultural exchanges, we examine contemporary and historical approaches of the African diaspora, which challenge conventional Western perception. 

Michael is a member of Athletes for Impact, a staunch feminist and supporter of women’s rights, a humanitarian, and supports multiple organizations in Africa, including #iamtheCODE where he sponsors over 100 African girls in Senegal. Michael is an advocate for numerous causes and organizations across the globe, including an endowment for students from low-income homes at Rhode Island School of Design who were pursuing degrees in the creative arts, and grants to organizations like the Rebuild Foundation, Mass Design, and Humble by Design. The transition from athletics to the fields of design and architecture studies focused on the reclamation of public space through the study of spatial theory and architectural typologies.