Collective Paper Aesthetics

Interactive building game for kids of all ages
Collective Paper Aesthetics
Collective Paper AestheticsCollective Paper AestheticsCollective Paper AestheticsCollective Paper Aesthetics

Design Pavilion invited children ages 7+ to participate in this interactive building game by Collec-tive Paper Aesthetics. Fold and connect the easy-to-assemble paper building blocks and create beautiful structures that are limited only by the imagination!

Collective Paper Aesthetics takes pride in using 100% recycled, non-printed cardboard for their creations, which can then be recycled again after use.  Led by founding designer Noa Haim, Collective Paper Aesthetics is a design studio based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.This program was supported as part of the Dutch Culture USA program by the Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York.

With special gratitude to SYNLawn - Plant-Based Grass for all ages.


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